My Story… 

Anastasia (Stasi) Kasianchuk MS,RD,CSSD,EP-C,CSCS

As someone who has always enjoyed being active and a daughter of a culinary arts teacher, I saw the connection between what the body is fueled by and how it performs from a young age. This awareness and curiosity sparked my interest in using food and movement to support optimal performance. I have worked with a wide range of individuals from those with cardiovascular disease at the Cleveland Clinic Heart and Vascular Institute to collegiate athletes as the Sports Dietitian for Oregon State University Athletics. Most recently I worked for Arivale, a bio-tech start-up company which used a systems approach to provide individualized health and wellness to our members. In addition to the one-on-one work with clients I also teach Kinesiology, Exercise Science, and Nutrition courses for Oregon State University, and Eastern Oregon University. These experiences have further ignited my interest in optimizing the potential of the human body through enriching it with movement and food. Challenging the body through movement and nourishing it with the food to support it has both the power to heal, optimize performance and enrich our lives.

Challenging my body through trail running, cycling, swimming, backpacking, or a group fitness class enriches me. I am rewarded when I push outside our comfort zone (physically, mentally, emotionally). To fuel my body I am enriched by taking time to explore farmers markets, local farms and restaurants, and trying new restaurants when traveling while also cooking and baking at home. More than anything, I am truly enriched when I can share what enriches me with the special people in my life.

Made it to the finish line!